Archive for November, 2015

What is Vidu Hariga?

Posted in Uncategorized on November 26, 2015 by ahlamhelwa

There is no limit to the unconscionable acts that the Israeli Occupation IOF aka Jewish State Terrorist Force will commit.One of the foulest must surely be the act known as vidu hariga, an act that has been increasingly witnessed since the start of the latest wave of unrest in the West Bank. The literal term vidu hariga is vidu “make sure” and hariga “the act of killing”.

The latest victim to this unconscionable act is Mohammad Shubaki 19, a young Palestinian who allegedly stabbed a member of the IOF. Israeli news service I24 News reported  the incident surrounding Shubaki’s death like this-

“The assailant, named as Mohammad Shubaki, 19, from Al Fawwar refugee camp. was shot by security forces on the scene.A spokeswoman for Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem said Shubaki was pronounced dead after resuscitation efforts failed. A doctor said he had suffered bullet wounds to his chest and stomach.”

Yet video evidence of the incident shows that after shooting Shubaki, members of the IOF stood around him watching him bleed out, not offering any assistance as he cried out “God help me”, to which an Israeli officer replies “Leave God now, God will not help you, we are the only ones who can help you and only if you tell us who sent you here.” 

While the illegal and immoral act of vidu hariga is described as a shot in the head to finish off an injured enemy combatant,surely ignoring the IOF’s ethical norm towards injured prisoners by not administering first aid, thus ensuring their death, can also be called an act of vidu hariga as well.The repugnant act of denying  injured people assistance, leaving them to bleed out,thus ensuring their death is further evidence of the moral depravity the Jewish state is sinking further  into, just  like Alice falling down through the rabbit hole.