Archive for April, 2012

Muhammed Hellal abu Lebda’

Posted in Uncategorized on April 28, 2012 by ahlamhelwa

Israeli army arrested 13 years old kid ‘Muhammed Hellal abu Lebda’ today near his house on Jenin.


Acknowledging the Original Sin

Posted in Uncategorized on April 28, 2012 by ahlamhelwa

This is an excellent peace.. Israel has to acknowledge the crime of it birth before, to begin  a true and lasting peace


Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 8:35 PM
I would like to reinforce the excellent and hopefully clarifying account below, which is well documented by Israel’s own historians. Israel was born in “original sin” (per Israeli historians Benny Morris and Avi Shlaim) by terrorism and ethnic cleansing followed by deception, “memoricide” (per Israeli historian Ilan Pappe) and defiance of international law (the Palestinian right of return under Articles 13 and 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, affirmed by UNGA 194 in December 1948, as well as its own yet-unfulfilled pledge as a condition of its 1949 admission to the UN). The 1948 Nakba – not simply Israel’s 1967 illegal land seizures and subsequent colonization that has compounded the original sin – is the heart of the problem. To have peace, Israel must honor the rights of its victims and by so doing forfeit its Jewish majority and Jewish supremacy in exchange for a normal state, peace and international acceptance.

Soon after UNGA 181 was announced in November 1947, proposing to award Jewish Palestine with 55% of land that was 94% Arab-owned, it ignited a predictable firestorm. The US and sane UN members immediately recognized that this would be a disaster, the Security Council returned it “for reconsideration” to the General Assembly, and an alternative US proposal for a 5-year UN trusteeship was being drafted when the Zionists realized in March 1948 that they would not get what they wanted from the UN and launched Plan Dalet, their brutal, deadly efficient and long-planned ethnic cleansing campaign to seize the land by force. 

The helpless Palestinians, disarmed by the British during the 1936-39 Arab uprising and unprotected by the British in 1948, were driven out and never allowed to return. After May 1948 when over 300,000 Palestinians had already been expelled, badly outnumbered, poorly led and outgunned Arab forces tried to intervene to protect the territory designated by 181 for the Palestinians, but with much too little too late. The Arab Legion of Transjordan, the only Arab military potentially capable of stopping the Zionists, had entered into a pact with the Zionists to divide the land between them, keeping what is now known as the West Bank. The Palestinians were betrayed on all sides, by the British, Transjordan, and the UN in addition to their Jewish neighbors, many of whom had been welcomed in as refugees from the Holocaust (although Zionism was definitely NOT welcome).

Truman was urgently advised not to recognize Israel in May 1948 by his State Department under George Marshall, the Pentagon under James Forrestal, and his intelligence services, all of whom predicted nothing but trouble ahead if he did. But Truman was running for election against NY Governor Tom Dewey and needed the NY Jewish lobby support, and the rest is history. (Even then, Truman refused to recognize Israel as a “Jewish” state.) Were his critics ever right.

Admission of this original sin and restitution to its victims as well as those of the continuing Nakba is the only path to justice, the necessary precondition for an enduring peace still demanded by almost 90% of Palestinian refugees and those under occupation. All of “progressive Zionism” under Tikkun, J Street, Avnery, etc. is a desperate effort to avoid this outcome which would achieve freedom, justice and equality for all citizens of historic Palestine and end Israel’s racist claim to be a “Jewish” state. This is why we name ourselves Al-Nakba Awareness Project. Israel and AIPAC mouthpieces react to the word “Nakba” like vampires confronted with a cross.

Jack Dresser, Ph.D.
Behavioral Health Scientist
Political & Prevention Psychology
National vice chair, Palestine working group, Veterans for Peace
Co-director, Al-Nakba Awareness Project

Picture of a war Crime!!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on April 27, 2012 by ahlamhelwa

Ever wondered what a war crime would look like?


 They have him in a position of torture and humiliation this isnt an arrest this is a war crime…

Art 13. Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of the present Convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are not justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried out in his interest.

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.

Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited.

Art 14. Prisoners of war are entitled in all circumstances to respect for their persons and their honour.


Action Alert- Zionists are out in force attacking CBS

Posted in Uncategorized on April 25, 2012 by ahlamhelwa

Zionists are out in force attacking CBS like a scene in the movie, Night of The Living Dead. JTA claims 22,000 emails have been sent to CBS slamming them for their coverage of Palestinian Christians. This is obviously a super exaggeration, but still it shows that they are campaigning as expected.

Hence, if anybody still hasn’t written to thank CBS, please do so now by sending an e-mail at:

Please mention “Thank you for your segment on Palestinian Christians” in the subject.

CBS is obviously not going to read thousands of e-mails, but will keep track of the number of people who wrote in support. The subject should clearly so that you are writing in support of the program. It might even be fine not to write any content and only the subject.

Zionists false claiming that Palestine was a land without owners

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on April 24, 2012 by ahlamhelwa

الصهاينة يدعون ان فلسطين كانت ارض بلا أصحاب
جدول يبين تعداد المسلمين واليهود والمسيحيين في فلسطين اواخر القرن 19
the abgvoe table shows counting in Palestine for Muslims Christians and Jews by the last decade of 19 century

Map of Israeli prisons where Palestinians are being held…

Posted in Uncategorized on April 24, 2012 by ahlamhelwa
Palestinians from the OPT are currently held in a total of 4 interrogation centers, 4 military detention centers, and approximately 17 prisons. While the 4 military interrogation centers are located inside the OPT, all the interrogation centers and prisons—except for one prison, Ofer—are located within the 1948 borders of Israel, in violation of international humanitarian law. The location of prisons within Israel and the transfer of detainees to locations within the occupying power’s territory are illegal under international law and constitute a war crime. The Fourth Geneva Convention explicitly states that “Protected persons accused of offences shall be detained in the occupied country, and if convicted they shall serve their sentences therein” (Article 76).
Statistics: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Prisons!
 info care of A great organisation that should by supported

Raed Salah in His own Words

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on April 21, 2012 by ahlamhelwa

Sheikh Raed Salah “This is what I wanted to say”

A Bedouin woman sits next to a destroyed house in the Negev village of al-Araqib. Photograph: Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images
In June 2011 I came to Britain to begin a speaking tour to draw attention to the plight of my people, the Palestinian citizens of Israel. The tour was meant to last 10 days. Instead I had to stay for 10 months in order to resist an attempt by the home secretary, Theresa May, to deport me – itself the result of a smear campaign against me and what I represent. I fought not just for my own sake, but for all who are smeared because they support the Palestinian cause.

Since 1990 I have visited the UK several times to speak publicly. On this occasion I was arrested, imprisoned, and told I was to be deported to Israel because my presence in the UK was “not conducive to the public good”. A judge later ruled that I had been illegally detained, but bail conditions continued to severely restrict my freedom, making it impossible for me to speak as I had intended.

After a 10-month legal battle, I have now been cleared on “all grounds” by a senior immigration tribunal judge, who ruled that May’s decision to deport me was “entirely unnecessary” and that she had been “misled”. The evidence she relied on (which included a poem of mine which had been doctored to make it appear anti-Jewish) was not, he concluded, a fair portrayal of my views. In reality, I reject any and every form of racism, including antisemitism.

I have no doubt that, despite this, Israel’s cheerleaders in Britain will continue to smear my character. This is the price every Palestinian leader and campaigner is forced to pay.

My people – the Palestinians – are the longstanding victims of Israeli racism. Victims of racism, anywhere, should never condone or support the maltreatment of another people, as Israel does.

The suffering of the Palestinian citizens of Israel has been ignored for decades. But there is today a growing awareness of it, which partially explains this smear campaign against me. In December 2011, EU ambassadors in Israel raised serious concerns about Israeli discrimination, noting that “not only has the situation of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel not improved, but it has further deteriorated”.

There are around 1.5 million Arabs in Israel. We make up 17% of the population, but we face a barrage of racist policies and discriminatory laws. We receive less than 5% of funds allocated by the government for development. Public spending on children in Arab municipalities is one-third lower than that of children in Jewish municipalities. The average hourly wage of Arab workers is about 70% of that of Jewish workers. Any Jew, from any country, is allowed under Israel’s law of return to migrate to Israel; Palestinian refugees are not allowed to exercise their right of return. While a Jew can live anywhere in Israel, a Palestinian citizen cannot. Jews can marry whoever they wish and live with them in Israel, Palestinian citizens cannot.

In the criminal justice system, a 2011 study commissioned by Israel’s courts administration and Israel bar association revealed that almost half of Arabs receive custodial sentences for certain crimes, compared to a third of Jews. While 63.5% of Arabs convicted of violent crimes were sentenced to prison, only 43.7% of similar Jewish offenders were.

Education is only one of several areas in which Palestinian citizens face discrimination in Israel. The Israeli government allocates less money per head for Arab children’s education than it does for that of Jewish children. One devastating consequence is that the drop-out rate from schools is three times higher among Arabs than among Jews.

Nowhere is the injustice more striking than in the Negev. Living in poverty in “unrecognised” villages, the Arab Bedouin are ineligible for basic services such as water, electricity, and healthcare. The Negev village of al-Araqib has been demolished 35 times by the Israeli government; on every occasion it was rebuilt by its inhabitants.

Despite the Israeli policy of “transfer” – another term for ethnic cleansing – the Palestinians will not go away. The Israeli state can occupy our lands, demolish our homes, drill tunnels under the old city of Jerusalem – but we will not disappear. Instead, we now aspire to a directly elected leadership for Palestinians in Israel; one that would truly represent our interests. We seek only the legal rights guaranteed to us by international conventions and laws.

The Palestinian issue can only be resolved if Israel and its supporters in Britain abandon the dogmas of supremacy and truly adhere to the universal values of justice and fairness. Britain has a special responsibility in this, because it is uniquely responsible for our suffering: our national tragedy began with the Balfour Declaration.

While Britain enforced the first part of the declaration, which promised Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish people, but ignored the part that states: “It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” If there is any lesson to be learned from this sordid affair, it is that there is nothing to gain from putting false words into my mouth, or casting me out of the mainstream of public discourseImage

And it makes me wonder

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 21, 2012 by ahlamhelwa


It makes me wonder why Bibi is channelling Adolf Hitler in this picture???


I have been waiting for some one for any one to ask this question but nothing has been said…Why?

Who pushed Whom into the Sea!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 10, 2012 by ahlamhelwa

I love my Facebook wall, many times when I begin to wonder about something the answer pops up before I have even formed the question. Take for instance today I had just finished reading a Counterpunch article from 2005, on the subject of the rumour that the Arabs planned to push the Jews into the sea. This article by William Martin is well worth a read-

Martin concludes that it was Ben Gurion himself who started this rumour in a speech he gave in the Knesset on the 11/11/ 1961, when he said “………. they left Palestine following instructions by the Arab leaders, with the Mufti at their head, under the assumption that the invasion of the Arab armies at the expiration of the Mandate will destroy the Jewish state and push all the Jews into the sea, dead or alive”.But where did Ben Gurion get this idea from?

Well thats where my Facebook wall comes into the picture. A picture on my wall lead me to an album which I looked through and I had one of those eureka kinda moments.

The beginning of the expulsion of the Palestine Arabs from Haifa in 1948, it was the Zionists themselves who pushed the Palestinians into the sea.Perhaps it was this scene that Ben Gurion had in his head when he gave that speech on the 11/11/1961, he was an old man by 1961 mayhaps he was worried about the sons of Israel being punished for the sins of the fathers.